DONE Power International team will be present to provide detailed product introduction, technical exchange and other services for the exhibitors. DONE has always been adhering to the mission "committed to the development of global lighting LED driver business, with our professional technology and quality service, for customers, employees, shareholders, society to create value" , committed to providing customers with high-quality, high-performance LED lighting power solutions.
规模:四川天府新区融通科创中心施工总承包项目-大区泛光照明工程 范围:本招标项目划分为1个标段,本次招标为其中的:
4、本标段应配备人员 1)正项目经理1名,应具有建设行政主管部门颁发的机电工程二级及以上注册建造师证书,具备5年以上施工现场管理工作经历,并由投标人提供任命书并在其中对工作年限加以承诺;
IT之家 7 月 11 日消息,自 6 月 30 日通车以来,深中通道成为了湾区“顶流”,车流持续保持高位运行。据深中通道管理中心消息,截至 7 月 7 日,深圳和中山两市间的跨市公交专线双边共发 2014 车次,共发送旅客 7.23 万人次,日均约 1 万人次。